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The Taylor Historical Society found a diary kept by Jennie Dietrich of Cincinnatus, New York for the year 1869. It is a small diary written in pencil and is quite faint. As a result, we have been transcribing it quite slowly. The following is the result. Please keep checking back to see additions to the diary.

Friday, January 2, 1869

"Take warning by the misfortunes of others that others may not take warning by your own"

Good Sayings

If a word is worth one shekel, silence is worth two. Silence is the spice of speech, and the chief of all spices.
Be silent and hear.
Say little and do much.
The righteous say little and do much. The wicked speak much and do nothing.

Saturday, January 2, 1869

Judge not the Lord by feeble sence(sic), But trust Him for His grace.
Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face.

Maintain your rank: despise vulgarity.
To swear is neither brave, polite nor wise. You would not swear upon a bed of death:
Reflect: your maker now may stop your breath.

If you would have success, Your labors to attend.
This motte(sic) on your heart
Continue to the end

Sunday, January 3, 1869

A white garment appears worse with slight soiling that do colored garments
much soiled: so a little fault in a good man attracts more attention than great
offenses in bad men.

“Many have suffered by talking but few by silence”

Monday, January 4, 1869

Forgive, but also forget- To remember injuries is not Christian-like. Forget
as well as forgive.

Tuesday, January 5, 1869

Always be good-natured if you can: a few drops of oil will do more to
facilitate the movement of the most stubborn machinery than rivers of

Wednesday, January 6th, 1869
No entry

Thursday, January 7, 1869

While I exist my constant care will be, To strive to please no other but thee.

Friday, January 8-13, 1869


Thursday, January 14, 1869

I washed the dishes, mopped the floor, prepared dinner, made bread, ironed in the afternoon. Father and Mother went to the village and had their Photographs taken. Mother got me a head ribbon and this Diary. Hannah came here and gave us a lesson. I have been very busy all day with house utinsels(sic). Yestaday(sic) I worked over a half tub of butter and got it ready to tack down. It was very pleasant all day.

Friday, January 15th, 1869

Quite pleasant all day. I helped do the house work, finished Louise’s calico dress, sent to the village for ¾ of a yard of em-clothe and fixed my dress. Mother did some washing, the children all went to school. I have made up my mind today that I do not want to go to Mr Parkers next Sunday but wish to go to Mr Todds if it is convenient for me to go.

Saturday, January 16, 1869

I cut and made a pare of drawers for Cilestine, set up a stocking for mother and have not done a great deal of housework for the girls were all at home. Mother made our beds and swept the chamber. I did some ironing in the evening. I cant think of anything of importance to write as I have felt quite sad all day. Elizabeth and I danced ‘sholish this pm

Sunday, January 17, 1869

I made the fires and swept the floors. Marion and I went to Mr Todd’s. I enjoyed myself very much and had a very pleasant ride. When we returned home, it was after 7. I had quite a good deal of fun with our folks about a Pony and I think they act very foolish and I guess they will think so too bye and bye. It was quite pleasant today, but snowe this even and not very cold. Johnie Dietrich aged seven years.

Monday January 18, 1869

Last night, I slept with my ring on for the first time and I dreamed Mother was very sick and the two little ones very noisy and troublesome but I don’t believe in whims. I did all the housework and M- made candles and sewed fixed my skeliton. Sewed on my pink ruffled apron. Father feels quite sick this evening. I knit some in the even. Hannah came here and gave us a lesson. Quite snowy all day.

Tuesday, January 19, 1869

I washed the dishes, took Mother’s green alapaca dress apart and sewed on it. What spare time I could get, did some ironing. Took a lesson in singing, sewed on Cilestine’s drawers. Father hired out our tenant house to J-C-. It snowed some all day.

Wednesday, January 20, 1869

Very snowe and windy all day.I washed the dishes, helped Elizabeth wash. I have worked quite steady all day and feel quite tired tonight. I prepared supper. I thought Hannah would not come here but she came through the snow and storm. The day has been dreary and lonesome to me. I sewed a little on Mother’s dress. The wind howls and blows very hard this evening.

Thursday, January 21, 1869

Clear and cold all day.I washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floors. Father took the children to school. He was taken sick soon as he returned home and has been very sick all day. I sent word by B-H- to Hannah not to come here tonight as Father would not like to hear the noise. I sewed on Mother’s dress today and in the evening Last night I did not sleep much for my mind was on something else all night.

Friday, January 22, 1869

I washed the dishes, did a very large ironing, Father feels some better today. The girls all went to school. Mother made candles. I curled my false curls, washed and ironed all our ribbons. We expected Mr and Mrs N. Sherwood here this evening but they did not come. I set up a white stocking for myself. We got our ledger today and Cilestine read in evening. Elizabeth and I did up each others hair on hairpins. We did not go to bed until near 12 oclock.

Saturday, January 23, 1869

I made the beds, made six apple pies. Father Mother Elizabeth and I went to the village. Elizabeth and I had our pictures taken. I exchanged a pieceof music bought a small silk net which was .40, a led pencil- 5 cents Ella, Alma, Elizabeth and I went out to Mat St and then to Wilseys Marion rode home with us. Lois and Ella was at our house when we returned and I think we all enjoyed ourselves. Elizabeth went home with the girls to stay alnight.

Sunday, January 24, 1869

Not very cold. I helped prepare breakfast. Did some writing. Helped prepare dinner. Ella come home with Elizabeth. If I always feel like giving up the melodian as I do tonight, I think I could do it very easy and get along better without it than I would with it, and I wish I had never seen it

Monday, January 25, 1869

I washed the dishes, we did quite a good deal of work before the children went to school. Sewed on Mother’s dress. Hannah came here and gave us a letter, and I guess for the last time.

Tuesday, January 26, 1869

Quite cold all day. I did the housework, sewed on Mother’s dress. Father went to the village. Hannah came here this evening. There is a Dr Brown staying here this even. Father feels quite sick today..

Wednesday, January 27, 1869

Elizabeth Dietrich, aged 16. I washed the dishes, made seven apple pies. Mother did the washing, mostly alone. I finished mother’s green dress. Hannah did not come here this evening. Sewed on my ruffled apron and did some other sewing.That Doctor B went away this morning and did not pay his bill..He pretended to phrenoligize Henries and my head.

Thursday, January 28, 1869

I helped do the housework, did some ironing, finished my ruffled apron. Ella Sherwood came here and stayed all night. We had several callers here today. I went to a Firemen’s dance tonight and enjoyed myself very much. Hannah did not come here tonight.

Friday January 29, 1869

I arrived at home this morning barely eight oclock. Washed the breakfast dishes, did other work, went to bed half a past twelve and did not get up til after four. Mrs Hinman called here tonight. I prepared supper, sewed on Mother’s apron in the evening. Today, there was a gentleman introducing the H___ion readers in our school .

Saturday, January 30, 1869

I helped do the work, did quite a large ironing, Ella called here this morning, I had an invitation to go visiting this afternoon but did not accept it. Mother and Elizabeth went to Mr Hilsinger avisiting. Cilestine and I went down to J-O-H- but it did not give us much satisfaction. This evening I mended my corset and commenced making a redicul. Father went to the village, fetched a couple of our photographs. It has been quite pleasant all day.

Sunday, January 31, 1869

Very blustering and cold all day. I have broke the Sabbath but I hate to write it. I mended Henry a pair of pants. I practiced and learned 2 new duet on the melodean. Did some housework, wrote in the evening.

Monday, February 1, 1869

Windy and cold. I did the housework, sewed on my retticule (reticule). Alice called here today. Father feels quite bad this afternoon and evening. Hannah came here this evening. Mother finished making candles. She has made thirty eight doz.

Tues Feb 2, 1869

Quite cold. Mother and I washed and mopped and had a great deal of housework to do. I finished my redicule (reticule). Celestine and I went down to N. Sherwoods. We had a very pleasant time. Knit in the evening.

Wed Feb 3, 1869

I did the housework, did a very large ironing. Practiced on the melodeon. Made a clamshell in the evening. Hannah did not come here tonight. It has been rainy and windy all day and the day has been lonesome and dreary to me.

Thursday Feb 4, 1869

Very blustering and cold. I did the housework and worked at the carpet rags the rest of my time. Father took the children and went after them tonight. I twisted eight knot of yarn and did some writing in the evening.

Friday Feb 5, 1869

Very stormy all day. The children did not attend school. I twisted eight knot of yarn. Helped bake. Mended Henry a pair of pants. Made Louisa’s hood over. Had a headache about all day. It has seemed like Saturday all day. This has been a very long and lonesome week to me. I have not done a great deal of housework today for there was others to do it instead of me..

Saturday Feb 6, 1869

Quite pleasant and a consitable(sic) travel. I mended their undergarments pressed my dress prepared toast for tea and washed the tea dishes. Fixed (Lois’s hair for Chivions de friz (?) in the morning. I knit a few times round. We all set up til morning.

Sun Feb 7, 1869

Very cold and clear. I helped prepare breakfast. Went to Lafer(?) house with Marion. Enjoyed myself very well. It was about 12 o’clock when we returned home. Lois Sherwood aged 18 years.

Monday Feb 8, 1869

Gloomy and lonesome. Washed the dishes, made all the beds and swept the house. Knit some. Have not felt very well today. Laid a short time, finished Mother’s stocking in the evening. Father and Elizabeth went to village. Elizabeth had her photograph taken over. I had a pair of hand muffs 4 cents. This has been a very dull eve to me but I ……….(could not be read, too light)

Tues Feb 9, 1869

I washed the dishes, swept and mopped the floor-prepared dinner.Mr Hulbert came here and bought our butter. We have twenty four tubs. He gave us 13 cents per lb. I caught a bird with a sieve. Hannah Dalie (?) was married today. I knit in the evening, made three stired(?) cakes.

Wednesday, Feb 10, 1869

Pleasant all day. I helped prepare breakfast, washed the dishes. Visited our school, found it very pleasant. Lois and I went down to Uncle Bill’s had an introduction to S.R. Felt very tired at night. We had a number of little callers this evening. Set up another stocking for mother in the evening. Mother finished spinning. She has spun 23 pounds of wool. It is now about 11 o’clock and it has rained very hard all this evening.

Feb. 11, 1869

Pleasant this AM. But the wind changed and was very cold this PM. I washed the dishes, prepared dinner, picked wool for carpet yarn. Made nine apple pies. Prepared supper, knit and read in the evening. It has seemed quite pleasant to me at home today.

Friday-skipped Sat, Feb 13, 1869

I washed the dishes and went to the village. Went with M.L. to Mats(sic). M.N. and I went into Mr. Ward’s new house and the new drugstore. Returned home about 6. Ellen M stayed with me all night. We enjoyed ourselves well. This evening I knit . very pleasant all day.

Sunday, Feb 14, 1869

I mopped the floor, finished Henry’s stocking. We did a very large washing. I made bread and two pans full of doughnuts. Did some ironing. Father went to the village for some sugar. Marion came here this evening. This evening I sewed a tuck in my skirt, set up M_ a stocking. Very uncommon, pleasant all day.

Monday, Feb 15, 1869

I made the fire, helped prepare breakfast, wrote off quite a number of foices(?). Elizabeth and I went up to Mr Hilsingers. Had a very good time. Marion brought us home. It has been a very cloudy day, rained a little this morning. The wind has blown all day. Han. called here today. Played very little.

Tues Feb 16, 1869
I washed the dishes. Elizabeth did not attend school. I cut (casiped) rags the most of my time. My fingers was very sore today. It is very rainy all day and the water runs over the road.

Wed Feb 17, 1869

I washed the dishes, swept and mopped. Alice moved yesterday. Mother called on her today. I prepared dinner. Marion helped father break our B- colt. The weather was quite fair. I cut carpet rugs. I accepted an invitation to attend a surprise party. Hannah came here tonight for the last time. We take lessons in singing.

Thursday, Feb 18, 1869

Very blustering and storming all day. I helped do the housework yesterday. I stamped the (tud) (copvers) and today nailed up the butter tubs. Father took off his butter today. He took the children to school. I finished a pair of pants for father, mended an apron for myself, played and sewed carpet rags in the evening.

Friday Feb 19, 1869

I washed the dishes. Mother did some washing. I ( drug ) up the starched clothes. Made bread. Made two halters. Mended two undergarments. It was very blustering. Father went after the children. I practiced and did other work this evening.

Sat. Feb 20, 1869

I did some housework. I sewed carpet rags. Made three fruit cakes. I thought of going to the village to have my picture taken over but it was so stormy. Father did not go. Mended two undergarments, one for myself.

Sunday, Feb 21, 1869

I helped do up the work. Finished mending Charley’s shirt. This I hate to write but it is the truth (never be ashamed to speak the truth). Elizabeth and I called on Alice. Billie and Alice came here this evening. We done up each others hair and enjoyed ourselves very much. Quite pleasant all day.

Mon, Feb 22, 1869

I did the housework. And it took the best part of my time. Elizabeth did not feel very well today. Alice called here. I sewed carpet rags. Louise and Ella came here this evening. I went part way home with them. We had a considerable fun.

Tues., Feb 23, 1869

I did the housework. Commenced making a cushion for a chair. Alice came here this afternoon for she was afraid of the strong wind. Oh, it blew very hard all the afternoon. Practiced and sewed carpet rags in the evening. Alice's tongue ran fleet today. She told some pretty horrid stories which are not true, but it worries me to think they tell such stuff as she told.

Wednesday, Feb 24, 1869

Helped do the housework. Elizabeth and I went to the village.I bought a net for Elizabeth. Two yards of picture cord and two oz of lemon essence for mother. And had my picture taken over but I don't think they will be right yet. Elizabeth and I went down to see Mrs Benton, found her well. Practiced and sewed(sic) carpet rags this evening.

Thursday, Feb 25, 1869

I did the housework. Helped mother wash and made the beds. We worked, very busy today. I think of going to school tomorrow. Mr. Hilsinger called here tonight to see if we could come up and help Mr H. Saturday. We agreed to go. I sewed carpet rags this evening. Very pleasant all day.